Applications are invited for appointment of HR Consultant for one post
on contract basis for a period of one year. Former Executive Directors/
General Managers of Nationalised Banks / HR Professionals from the
industry (preferably service sector) are eligible to apply.
Last Date: 21.12.2020
Details of Bank of Baroda recruitment 2021:
HR Consultant:-
Number of post: Applications are invited for appointment of HR Consultant for one post.
Eligibility criteria of Bank of Baroda recruitment 2021:
(i) Former Executive Directors/ General Managers of Nationalised Banks/ HR
Professionals from the industry (preferably service sector) will be eligible to be
appointed as HR Consultant of the Bank. The posting of HR Consultant will be
at Bank’s Corporate Office.
Professionals from the industry (preferably service sector) will be eligible to be
appointed as HR Consultant of the Bank. The posting of HR Consultant will be
at Bank’s Corporate Office.
(ii) Age of the applicant not to exceed 65 years as on 01.01.2021
The role and responsibilities of the said HR Consultant :
i. Critically review and evaluate documents/ matters pertaining to HR which may be
referred to him/her from time to time;
referred to him/her from time to time;
ii. Attend the meetings of the Steering Committee of the Board on HR in the capacity
of an external HR Expert;
of an external HR Expert;
iii. The said HR Consultant shall provide timely professional advice and support to the
Bank on specific HR issues and administration of strategic HR policies and
procedures, with a view to develop and update HR functions;
Bank on specific HR issues and administration of strategic HR policies and
procedures, with a view to develop and update HR functions;
iv. Ensure seamless implementation of the various HR initiatives launched by the Bank
like Employee Engagement Survey, 360 Degree Feedback, Job Family,
Succession Planning & Talent Management Process and any other Government
directive envisaged in PSB Reforms Agenda for Enhanced Access & Service
Excellence (EASE).
like Employee Engagement Survey, 360 Degree Feedback, Job Family,
Succession Planning & Talent Management Process and any other Government
directive envisaged in PSB Reforms Agenda for Enhanced Access & Service
Excellence (EASE).
v. Be updated on Government policies/ directives/ legislations concerning HR issues
related to PSBs/ specifically to the Bank and, accordingly advice and guide Bank’s
management in formulation/ review of HR policies and procedures in a timely and
accurate way;
related to PSBs/ specifically to the Bank and, accordingly advice and guide Bank’s
management in formulation/ review of HR policies and procedures in a timely and
accurate way;
vi. Provide advice and guidance on best practices regarding job design, recruitment,
on-boarding, deployment, transfer, promotion, training, career & succession
planning, performance management system, talent management, employee
bonding and separation processes;
on-boarding, deployment, transfer, promotion, training, career & succession
planning, performance management system, talent management, employee
bonding and separation processes;
vii. Bring about a balance between Bank’s corporate policies and procedures and HR
policies in order to achieve Bank’s overall goals and objectives.
policies in order to achieve Bank’s overall goals and objectives.
viii. Advise on Skill gap mapping at various levels of operations / Zones in the Bank.
ix. Bring about improvement in the training system / methodology across the Bank that
becomes ‘Best in Class’.
ix. Bring about improvement in the training system / methodology across the Bank that
becomes ‘Best in Class’.
x. Monitor quality of the course contents and its delivery in the training colleges.
xi. Advise Bank on various modes for ensuring dissemination of product knowledge
amongst staff.
xi. Advise Bank on various modes for ensuring dissemination of product knowledge
amongst staff.
xii. Promote and monitor progress of E-learning systems and link the same to
Performance Appraisal and Promotion process.
xiii. Identify practices and trends on the emerging skill requirement and trainings and
find opportunities for the Bank.
Performance Appraisal and Promotion process.
xiii. Identify practices and trends on the emerging skill requirement and trainings and
find opportunities for the Bank.
xiv. Assist Bank in creating, updating and maintaining skill and competency profiles for
different job roles.
different job roles.
xv. Advise Bank on the need and mode for availing the services of outside training
How to Apply for BOD recruitment 2021?
Applications to be submitted through Registered Post / Speed Post / Courier. Bank will not be liable for misplace / damage and / or delay in delivery of application by the Postal Authorities or by the Courier Agencies, under any circumstances. Scanned copy of Applications may be submitted via Email on our Email ID – (Maximum size of attachment not to exceed 4 MB)
Hand Delivery of application will not be accepted. The Envelope containing the application must be super-scribed “Application for the post of HR Consultant”
Important Date of Bank of Baroda recruitment 2021:
Last date of receipt of application: 21.12.2020
Important Links of Bank of Baroda recruitment 2021:
Official Advertisement: Click here
Application Form: Click Here