Indian Navy Pharmacist Recruitment 2022 Registration Open for Group C posts of Pharmacist, Fireman, Pest Control Worker. Check Eligibility, Age, Qualification, Selection, How to Apply for Posts.
Indian Navy Pharmacist Recruitment 2022: The Indian Navy is inviting applications from the eligible candidates for Group C posts of Pharmacist, Fireman, Pest Control Worker from person serving in similar equivalent or higher grades in the lower formations of the Defence Services and possessing qualification.
Eligible candidates can apply through proper channel (Head of Office/Establishment) within 60 days from the date of publication of advertisement in Employment News. The last date of receipt of application from candidates residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh division of Jammu & Kashmir state, Lahaul and Spiti district and Pangi sub-division of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Island and Lakshdweep will be 67 days from the last date of publication of advertisement.
Selected candidates through Indian Navy Pharmacist Recruitment 2022 will have to serve in the units under administrative control of Headquarters Western Naval Command, Mumbai. However, they can be posted anywhere in India in Naval units/formations in case of any Administrative requirement.
In this article, we have shared Indian Navy Pharmacist Recruitment 2022 Eligibility, Age, Qualification, Selection, How to Apply for 127 Posts.
Indian Navy Pharmacist Recruitment 2022 Calendar/Important Dates
Indian Navy Pharmacist Recruitment 2022 Events Important Dates
Online Application Start Date 26-27th April 2022
Online Application End Date 26th June 2022 (60 days for all, 67 days for NE States & UTs)
Indian Navy Pharmacist Recruitment 2022 Eligibility, Age Limit, Educational Qualification
Candidates must be Indian citizen.
Age Limit
Not exceeding 56 years as on closing date of receipt of application for all posts.
Education Qualification
Posts Essential Quaification
Pharmacist (a) Matriculation or equivalent from recognized Board/Institution.(b) Registered under clause (c) of section 31 or section 32 of the Pharmacy Act 1948.
Fireman (Erstwhile Fireman Gr II & Gr I) (a) Matriculation or equivalent from recognized Board/Institution.(b) Must be physically fit and capable of performing Strenuous duties and must have passed the test specified as under:Standards for Physical Fitness(i) Height without shoes 165 cms provided that a concession of 2.5 cms height shall be allowed for member of the ST(ii) Chest (Un-expanded) – 81.5 cms(iii) Chest (On-expansion) – 85 cms(iv) Weight – 50 kgs (minimum)Endurance Test(i) Carrying a man (Fireman lift of 63.5 kgs to a distance of 183 meters within 96 seconds)(ii) Clearing 2.7 meters wide ditch landing on both feet (long jump)(iii) Climbing 3 meters vertical rope using hand and feet
Pest Control Worker (Erstwhile Begary) (a) Matriculation or equivalent from recognized Board/Institution.(b) Ability to read & speak Hindi/Regional language.
Indian Navy Pharmacist Recruitment 2022 Selection Process
(a) Physical Fitness Test
All eligible candidates for the post of Fireman will have to undergo physical fitness test as per standards specified. Exact date, time and venue will be communicated to the eligible applications by mail/post.
(b) Provisional Appointment Letter
The appointment of provisionally selected candidates will be strictly based on the merit position based on performance/assessment, subject to satisfaction of Document Verification, Medical Examination, and other requirement as specified by the Government of India and Appointing Authority.
(C) Document Verification
All relevant documents pertaining to age, education identity, address category, caste, service, etc, will be scrutinized and verified prior to provisional appointment as per extant DOP&T policy, date, and venue for document verification will be intimated to the provisionally selected candidates on their registered e-mail IDs/by post.
Indian Navy Pharmacist Recruitment 2022 Salary
Posts No of Posts Level of Pay Matrix (7th CPC) & Classification Place of Posting
Pharmacist 1 Level-5 Pay Matrix (Rs 29200-92300) Group ‘C’ Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial, Non-Industrial Mumbai
Fireman (Erstwhile Fireman Gr II & Gr I) 120 Level-2 Pay Matrix (Rs 19900-63200) Group ‘C’ Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial, Non-Industrial Mumbai/Goa/Karwar/ Lonavala
Pest Control Worker (Erstwhile Begary) 6 Level-1 Pay Matrix (Rs 18000-56900) Group ‘C’ Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial, Non-Industrial Mumbai/Goa/Lonavala
Indian Navy Pharmacist Recruitment 2022 How to Apply
(i) Application should be in plain paper (A4 size) (good quality paper should be used) either neatly handwritten or typed as per the prescribed format, affixed with latest passport size colour photograph duly self-attested.
(ii) The envelope must be clearly superscribed on the top as APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF <NAME OF POST> BY TRANSFER (NOW ABSORPTION) to the following address mentioned below. Those who are applying for more than one post should send separate applications in a separate cover, otherwise such applications will be rejected.
The Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief,
(for SO ‘CP’)
Headquarters Western Naval Command,
Ballad Pier, Near Tiger Gate,
(ii) Following papers/documents should be sent along with Application:
(a) Attested copies of the CR Dossiers for last three years (attested on each page) by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary or equivalent.
(b) Vigilance Clearance Certificate
(c) Integrity Certificate
(d) A statement of major/minor penalty, if any imposed on the officer during last ten years
(e) Cadre Clearance Certificate
(f) Self-Attested copies of certificates/marks sheet in support of educational/technical/ other qualification. Original certificates/marks sheets should be produced when asked for.
(g) A Passport size photograph duly attested on reverse (by current employer/ should be printed with the application)